Highlights - Golden Goal


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
225774-CP-1-2005-1 -AT-GRUNDTVIG-G1PP

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


"Golden Goal - Obiectivul de aur"

În 5 mai 2008, Fundaţia Româno-Germană a fost vizitată de 22 de elevi ai clasei a XIII-a a Colegiului Tehnic de Vest, însoţiţi de profesoara Matiu Norica, unul din dascălii ce au îmbrăţişat cu entuziasm ideile generoase ale proiectului Golden Goal.

Clădirea Fundaţiei era punctul terminus al unui metode prezentate în proiect, "WALKING TOUR WITH TASKS", modalitate prin care se urmăreşte familiarizarea elevilor cu definirea şi realizarea obiectivelor individuale, comunicarea şi îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor de lucru în echipă.

Ei au discutat, de asemenea, cu formatorii VET despre experienţa pozitivă a exerciţiului care le va întări, pe viitor, încrederea în sine, întâlnirea „de lucru" sfârşind pe terenul de fotbal al Fundaţiei. 



Golden Goal Dissemination at Cruyff International Forum

Organisers of the "Johan Cruyff Forum" in Amsterdam (June 1st-2nd 2006) invited a representative of the "Golden Goal" project to exchange ideas among experts on the combination of education and sports in Europe. Helmut Kronika from BEST (Austria) took part on both days consisting of several interesting workshops and presented the "Golden Goal" project idea. 

Helmut Kronika meets Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff

Helmut Kronika meets Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff to discuss the aims of the Golden Goal project  

Pictures of Golden Goal Pilot Tests

Golden Goal pilot tests in partners' countries took place in summer 2006. The tests followed the aim of introducing sport activities into basic skills training and individual counselling situations in order to assess the practicability of this new approach with the target groups for which the project is designed.

Golden Goal Pilot Tests

Bowling needs
the right strategy!

Outdoor Teambuilding:
Finding the right balance

Golden Goal Pilot Tests

Trusting and supporting
each other

Golden Goal Pilot Tests 
Golden Goal Pilot Tests

Learners working out strategies
before the game

Following the right targets

Golden Goal Pilot Tests
 Golden Goal Pilot Tests

"We have reached our goal":
A pilot test group on
top of a mountain

Golden Goal Pilot Tests

Project members from
Austria, Holland and Sweden
visiting learners during
Golden Goal pilot tests

Golden Goal Pilot Tests