Links - Golden Goal


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Golden Goal Network in Glasgow

  • Aberlour Childcare Trust
    Aberlour is the largest, solely Scottish, children's charity who provides help to over 6000 of Scotland's most vulnerable children, young people and their families each year. 

  • Anniesland College
    Anniesland College provides over 100 community based adult learning programmes in conjunction with Community Learning and Development, many of which are delivered in centres and halls across Glasgow and Dunbartonshire.

  • Apex Scotland
    Apex Trust Scotland is a charitable organisation, whose aim it is to be the leading organisation in Scotland, working in partnership to deliver employability services to offenders and young people at risk.

  • Argyll Training    
    Argyll Training is a Training Company, whose aim is to provide Vocational and Professional qualifications in areas such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Care, Catering, Administration and many other skill areas.

  • Blue Triangle Housing Association
    The Association enables excluded homeless people to develop confidence, skills and a sense of self worth with the aim of resettlement into their own tenancies and preparing people for employment opportunities.

  • Cardonald College
    Cardonald College has an outreach campus, The Greater Pollok Community Learning Centre, which is often referred to as Priesthill Campus and runs a large number of leisure classes.

  • Central College
    At Central College the curriculum reflects lifelong learning, which centres upon employer and individual needs.

  • Culture and Sport Glasgow
    Culture and Sport Glasgow is the organisation responsible for delivering cultural and sports services in the City of Glasgow.

  • Deafblind Scotland
    Deafblind Scotland strives for a society in which deafblind people have the permanent support and recognition necessary to be equal citizens.

  • Glasgow City Council
    The Glasgow City Council works to make Glasgow flourish as a modern, multi-cultural, metropolitan city of opportunity, achievement, culture and sporting excellence where citizens and businesses thrive and visitors are always welcomed.

  • Glasgow College of Nautical Studies
    The purpose of the College is to provide a relevant, excellent, modern, efficient and responsive education and training service, to enable full participation in the pivotal role played by Further Education Colleges in delivering the Learning Society.

  • Glasgow Community and Care Partnerships
    Community Health and Care Partnerships are the new organisations which are being developed across Scotland to manage a wide range of community based health and care services.

  • Glasgow Community Planning Partnership
    Glasgow Community Planning (GCP) Ltd supports Community Planning across Glasgow. It has been tasked with delivering on the Objectives of Glasgow's Community Plan, as well as managing area-based regeneration activities across the whole of the city.

  • Glasgow East Regeneration Agency
    GERA's mission is to contribute to a confident, healthy and prosperous East End by getting people into or back into work, helping them stay and progress in work and bringing a wider choice of work opportunities within their grasp.

  • Glasgow's Learning
    Glasgow's Learning is the name of the city's adult literacy and numeracy (ALN) initiative. Set up by the Glasgow Community Learning Strategy Partnership (GCLSP), the initiative has responsibility for adult literacy and numeracy in Glasgow.

    Link to Golden Goal on Glasgow's Learning website:

    If this link is no longer active, please find the screenshot here

  • Glasgow Metropolitan College
    The College operates in partnership with a variety of community based organisations to provide learning opportunities, including voluntary organisations, community groups, local partnership organisations, and Glasgow City Council Community Learning.

  • Glasgow North Regeneration Agency
    Working with its partners, GNRA strives to maximise the economic potential of North Glasgow; creating opportunities, stimulating prosperity and advancing the positive regeneration of its communities.

  • Glasgow South West Regeneration Agency
    The agency aims to move more unemployed residents back into the labour market, increase the range of opportunities available within the area and link these to the needs of local people.

  • Health at Work
    Health at Work works in partnership with organisations in Glasgow and Clyde to develop staff health promotion programmes, and provides support and advice through staff health working groups.

  • Job Centre Plus
    Jobcentre Plus is a government agency supporting people of working age from welfare into work, and helping employers to fill their vacancies. 

  • John Wheatley College
    John Wheatley College strives to provide an excellent and inclusive lifelong learning environment for Glasgow's East End, Greater Easterhouse and the other communities it serves.

  • Langside College
    For 60 years, Langside College has been delivering courses to a wide community and holds awards for quality including Investors in People and the Scottish Quality Management System.

  • Learning Connections
    Learning Connections has two strands of work. The Adult Literacies team supports providers as they implement the recommendations in the Adult Literacy and Numeracy in Scotland Report 2001. The Community Learning and Development team provides advice to ministers on the Scottish Executive's CLD policy and supports this policy by working with local partnerships and national agencies.

  • MI Technologies
    MI Technologies' intention is "to make a real difference". They have the resources and the experience to help those who, for a whole raft of reasons, don't have a job, - need a job, - want a job.

  • Move On
    Move On works to prevent homelessness and to support people affected by homelessness. By working alongside people, Move On enables them to develop the skills and tools they need to reach their own long-term solutions, leading towards a positive future.

  • North Glasgow College
    North Glasgow College is committed to widening access to those from disadvantaged and under-represented groups, and its work in Learning Centres and other outreach locations are examples of its commitment and assurance to the local community.

  • Right Track
    Right Track is a registered charity formed in 1983 offering education, training and employment opportunities to young people and unemployed adults requiring additional support to enter the labour market.

  • Rosemount Learning Centre
    Rosemount Lifelong Learning is a community managed charitable organisation providing childcare and education for women and men wishing to return to the labour market.

  • Scottish Enterprise
    Scottish Enterprise works with companies to help them improve efficiencies, access finance and exploit new markets. The Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland want to expand provision that is known to deliver effective skills development and utilisation.

  • Skills Development Scotland
    Skills Development Scotland aims to help individuals realise their full potential, help employers be more successful through skills development, and work in meaningful partnership to enhance Scotland's sustainable economic development.

  • SDS Careers Scotland
    Careers Scotland has a clear and simple purpose - to help the people of Scotland secure the jobs of tomorrow. They work closely with schools, colleges, universities, community learning providers and other teaching and learning organisations.

  • Stow College
    Widening access to new learning opportunities for those from disadvantaged and under-represented groups is at the heart of Stow's commitment to social justice and the promotion of inclusion. It is reaching out into the community to make lifelong learning a reality for everyone.

    SWAMP Creative media centre is a community based organisation dedicated to promoting and developing digital technology, music and the arts.

  • Tigers
    Tigers is a provider of bespoke, customised and qualified training programmes that meet the needs for entry into the employment market and the upskilling of existing workforce.

  • University of Glasgow
    The University's mission is to undertake leading-edge, internationally-competitive research while offering a challenging student-centred learning environment. It aims to sustain and add value to Scottish culture and society, to the natural environment and to the national economy.

  • Wellhouse Community Trust
    Wellhouse Community Trust operates the hub and Innerzone within the Wellhouse Housing Association and is continuing to expand and develop the services on offer within the area.

  • West Dunbartonshire Council
    In recognition of the important role the Local Authority plays in supporting lifelong learning, the Council has set up a Community Learning and Development (CL&D) team.

  • Workers Educational Association
    The WEA is a national, democratic, voluntary sector provider of community-based and workplace-based adult learning. The WEA's priority is to reach people who face barriers to learning.

  • West of Scotland Colleges' Partnership (WoSCoP)
    The West of Scotland Colleges' Partnership (WoSCoP), based in Glasgow, is a company limited by guarantee whose 17 members are colleges of further and higher education that engage in the development and delivery of a range of vocational education and training, knowledge transfer and capacity building activities.

  • Youth Counselling Services Agency (YCSA)
    The YCSA is the only agency in Scotland which provides counselling and advice specifically for young people from an ethnic minority background.

Further links


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